JSW Steel Eyes $1 Billion Stake in Australian Coal Mine: Competing for 20% Stake in Blackwater Mine

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In a strategic move to secure coking coal supplies for steelmaking, JSW Steel is gearing up to compete for a 20% stake in Australia’s Blackwater coal mine. This high-stakes endeavor involves battling global steel major Japan’s Nippon Steel and other prominent bidders, marking firm’s second attempt at acquiring a mining asset overseas. The potential $1 billion deal could significantly impact the valuation of the overall transaction, providing a boost to company’s efforts to diversify its metallurgical coal sources.

JSW Steel

JSW Steel

JSW Steel’s Past Endeavors

This venture follows firms’s withdrawal from a previous attempt to acquire a majority stake in Canada’s Teck Resources’ metallurgical coal business. The stake eventually found a home with Swiss mining and trading major Glencore Plc, propelling firm to pursue alternative avenues for securing crucial coking coal.

Coking Coal: A Vital Input for Steelmaking

Coking coal remains a crucial ingredient in steelmaking, and Indian steel manufacturers heavily rely on imports from countries like Australia, Russia, and Canada. With limited traces of coking coal of inferior quality found in India, the need for securing international supplies becomes paramount.

Whitehaven’s Acquisition and Potential Valuation Surge

Whitehaven Coal’s acquisition of Blackwater and Daunia mines from BHP in October 2023 for $3.2 billion set the stage for firms’s interest. The pending deal for a 20% stake at $1 billion might contribute to a substantial jump in the overall valuation in the coming months.

JSW Steel’s Supplier Relationships and Backward Integration

To fortify its raw material security, firm has strategically developed relationships with suppliers in Australia, Canada, Mozambique, and Indonesia. The company has also entered into yearly contracts with overseas suppliers to ensure a consistent supply of various grades of raw material. In India, JSW Steel’s focus on backward integration is evident through its operation of 13 iron mines, nine in Karnataka and four in Odisha.

Future Expansion Plans

With ambitious plans to increase its capacity to 50 million tonnes per annum in the next decade, JSW Steel is actively seeking to secure a stable supply of metallurgical coal for its coal-fired blast furnaces in India. This expansion aligns with the growing demand for steel and underscores JSW Steel’s commitment to meeting future market needs.

Adani Group’s Investment in Australia

JSW Steel’s move coincides with Adani Group’s substantial investment of $16.5 billion in Australia’s Carmichael mine project, showcasing the increasing interest and investments in the Australian coal sector. The import of coking coal from Australia reached 13.21 billion tonnes from April to August 2023, highlighting the nation’s significance in the global supply chain.

The Blackwater Coal Mine Acquisition: A Silent Response

While JSW Steel pursues its stake in the Blackwater coal mine, a spokesperson from the company has chosen to remain silent on the matter, keeping the details of the acquisition under wraps.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is JSW Steel’s objective in acquiring a stake in the Blackwater coal mine?

JSW Steel aims to secure a 20% stake in Australia’s Blackwater coal mine to enhance its access to coking coal, a critical ingredient in steelmaking.

Q: How much is the expected deal valuation?

Though the final valuation is yet to be decided, the deal is anticipated to be around $1 billion, according to a source close to the development.

Q: Why is this JSW Steel’s second attempt at acquiring a mining asset overseas?

JSW Steel withdrew from a previous attempt to acquire a majority stake in Canada’s Teck Resources’ metallurgical coal business, with the stake later acquired by Glencore Plc.

Q: What is the significance of coking coal in steelmaking?

Coking coal is a key input in steelmaking, and Indian steel makers depend heavily on imports due to the limited availability of high-quality coking coal in the country.

Q: How has JSW Steel secured its raw material supplies internationally?

JSW Steel has developed relationships with suppliers in Australia, Canada, Mozambique, and Indonesia. Additionally, the company has entered yearly contracts with overseas suppliers to ensure consistent raw material quality.

Q: What are JSW Steel’s future expansion plans?

JSW Steel aims to increase its capacity to 50 million tonnes per annum in the next 10 years, emphasizing the need to secure a stable supply of metallurgical coal for its blast furnaces.


JSW Steel’s pursuit of a stake in the Blackwater coal mine reflects the company’s strategic vision for securing coking coal supplies amid a dynamic global market. The potential $1 billion deal, coupled with the company’s efforts in supplier relationships and future expansion plans, positions company as a key player in the international steelmaking landscape. As the acquisition unfolds, it will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of firm’s position in the metallurgical coal sector.

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