a2z equity investing

SEBI imposes new operation guidelines for share buybacks

Earlier in December, the market regulator SEBI issued a landmark regulation outlining a phased phase-out of share buybacks through the exchange channel. Nowadays, a firm can purchase its bourse-listed shares through the tender offer and buyback routes. In terms of stock exchange buybacks, the regulator SEBI has mandated in an operational guidance circular that no…

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Interest rates are “likely to be higher” than previously predicted

Main Points Federal Reserve Issued Warning On Interest Rate Hike On Tuesday, Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, issued a warning that interest rates may rise sooner than anticipated. Data Analysis on Interest Rates The chairman of the central bank issued a warning about tougher monetary policy in the future to slow a…

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IRDAI द्वारा Uninsured वाहन Penalty की मांग

नियामक ने प्रत्येक राज्य के लिए एक प्रमुख बीमा कंपनी का चयन किया है, और प्रमुख बीमा कंपनी राज्य के परिवहन विभाग को Uninsured कारों की एक सूची देगी। प्रत्येक मोटर वाहन बीमा सूचना ब्यूरो (IIB) द्वारा कवर किया जाता है। IRDAI का कितना जुर्माना राज्य का परिवहन विभाग कार मालिक को बिना बीमा के…

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